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In a funk

But I don’t give a fuck

And I don’t give a what

The fuck are you talking about

This time. The broken record.

The choices I make are for protection.

My naiveté shows me the wrong direction.

And I’m hurt.

I’m angry.

I’m pissed and you can’t measure

You busy worrying about pleasure

The gift I give. No pressure.

Personal goals that I continuously fold on

The stress from her

For them

From it

From me

From him

Unnecessary because he lets me know daily that

He don’t care that much.

Whose glasses are rosier?

Whose glass is overflowing?

I’m half full. Realistically in us.

The others a bust in my mind, b.s.

There is no unless. No options to fail.

Perfectionist in a chubby body.

Perfectionist unemployed.

Perfectionist pressured.

Perfectionist changing without trying

And growing sans the lying

And still not being believed by the mass that is he

That’s all that matters in the perfectionist that is me.

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Sonar took me to the limit yesterday evening...

As I was finishing up some song ideas for my Producer to listening to, I had the "bright" idea to create a folder for, well, my "bright" ideas!

As soon as I transferred my final song, they all disappeared. Like, forreal, into the abyss that is Windows 7. Gone, Never to return...

7 days and 22 songs later, I wanted to pull my hair out. I had attempted to be so organized, that I ended up cleaning my program. The emotions that flowed thru me were all jumbled- the way my files sat before I came up with this "bright" idea...

Luckily, I had saved a second draft to my desktop. Take THAT, Sonar!

Moral: Bright ideas don't always yield positive results. Keep having them anyway, but remember, always have a backup!

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Foundation is KEY.
Foundation IS key.

These 3 words are going around and around in my head as I attempt to breakdown a track that I just wrote. A track that, made SO much sense on paper but, makes no sense in SONAR...

So. Where do I begin? With the foundation, of course!! *cue sarcasm* duuuuhhhh... *end sarcasm*

When I write, its organic. No structure. Just the music and a special melody I hum until the words stick to the brain, then flow to the paper.

Before I get into the thing that makes me go 'hmmm' let me just say that, writing is easy. Singing is a breeze. Putting the two together however, is not. Think about this:

The first thing any songwriter will tell you is to, "step outside of yourself and let go." Then they'll turn around and say, "Every great song has a structure..."

*blank stare*

My tidbit for the day. As you were.

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